Building a portfolio site was not a linear process. Currently you're looking at the third incarnation, and likely in the future this site will continue evolving. (Such is the nature of iteration, no?)
Version 1 was quite bare bones. At the time, I was making a site for my writing projects, so I researched other portfolios that writers and creators had and threw together a very basic website.
Then I began to seriously apply for writing jobs. For version 2, I found a template from Start Bootstrap and customized it. Once I finished loading on the content, I was inspired by Don't Make Me Think and asked friends to do a quick and dirty usability test of the site. Thanks to their feedback, I found major flaws with the original color scheme, the scrolling process, not to mention copyedits.
I was content with the updated site for some time, while keeping a wishlist of fixes, until I started school and realized there were accessibility and usability flaws. Some were easy fixes, but major changes to the template proved to be very time consuming, so I decided to return back to a simplified site before I drove myself crazy trying to edit bootstrap.
So it was time for... version 3! It's the site you see today. The focus has shifted from writing to UX, and so I took some inspiration from other portfolios in the field. Back to being a minimalist website, but I have the pleasure of saying I've built this site from scratch, coding and images and all.
It's very much still a work in progress!